Calamities Open Our Eyes


By the mercy of Sri Guru and Gouranga we are remembering the teachings of our previous Acharya. Although I am not a qualified devotee to write something but by the Causeless of Sri Guru and Gouranga I am trying .

The result of service is pure and enthusiastic mood towards service again and also same time drowning in eternal happiness where as the result of offenses towards service (Seva Aparadha) or not performing seva is temporary happiness and distress. Those are surrender souls they were constantly engaged in service of Sri Guru and Gouranga for the achievement of Causeless mercy . Condition souls are due to their past pious karma and sinful karma constantly in a circle of material happiness and distress. When he was engaged in enjoyment he forgot about distress rather he wants more happiness . When he was in distress he fell like himself mad and searching for happiness at that time his like looks so miserable.Due to his conditional nature he tried his best to get material happiness but don’t knows that without seva there is no eternal happiness.

Whereas the life of a devotee is not care about material happiness and distress rather engage himself in service of Sri guru and Gouranga. A devotee does not affected by so called miseries Because he knows that both happiness and distress is the mercy of Krishna. Just like an affectionate father,his chastisement and affection are same for his son. Due to Krishna’s mercy a devotee understands this secret .Although all the devotees knows this tattwa but practically at the time of distress no one thinks that is Krishna’s mercy neither devotees have power to continue his Bhajana with enthusiastic mood. Why this this happened to devotee? Because according to our surrender Krishna will reciprocate with mind,intelligent and with soul. When a devotee totally surrender without any desire then Krishna accept him as his own that called in sanskriti (Atmasat) . How to recognize such devotee and his mood.

Such devotee accept Krishna as his only well wisher, maintainer and Procter. He knows Krishna is auspicious there fore any arrangement coming through Krishna is also auspicious. Because Krishna said in Bhagavata Gita- I am the ultimate sanctioning authority. I am his eternal servant and he is my eternal master.he is enjoyer and I am his enjoyable object. He is all auspicious and I am working according to his auspicious desire.

Therefore such a devotee never affected by so called miseries. Like in case of Kunti Maharani we can see how she was never affected by so many serious problems rather she was expressing her pure mood in front Krishna where her sons were present. Let all these dangerous should come again and again. Her prayer open the real vision of a devotees of sat Sampradaya wants to stay constantly in Bhajana stage.

In Problems and hindrances we can judge our self how much dependency we have towards guru and Krishna. In that stage Krishna measuring us in scale , whether we are belongs to him or we are belongs to family,native or we are belongs to ourselves. Actually the impediments helps us to pray more and surrender more without personal desires.A moral instructor said when you are in trouble or in danger you can judge your wife( how she is cooperative ). You can know your servant, you can know also your relatives and also you can know your self mean how determined person you are. In other word the problems for us is a measuring scale for all of us.

The danger or problems of our spiritual life is just like fire test who burns our enjoying propensity and anarthas other word Within the problems or danger there is spiritual success .win is there.

If within the danger our attachment is increasing towards service of Guru and Gouranga, our realization towards absolute truth is increasing ,that sorts of problems or calamities makes us determined in spiritual life. That becomes helpful for increasing and relishing the mood of separation .Separation mood within the danger or calamities increase the seva nanda and makes us more fix and determined in devotional path. If problems will not comes or calamities will not come we cannot release the variety tastes of seva nanda.

For the pure devotee ,Within the calamities the dependency and enthusiastic mood for performing service towards guru and Gouranga increasing continuously. Not only that humbleness mood is also increases . With in the calamities real surrender mood towards Hari guru and Vaishnavas and strength achieve from them can’t achieve in other sadhana.

Within calamities a devotee can increase his patience and determination power and also etiquettes that helps to develop our Bhakti that can we achieve when calamities are there. Without calamities by the so called happiness always mind oscillation and ulterior motive becomes prominent.

We are always struggling how to give up bad association,that we may achieve at the time of calamities. In other words calamities gives us strength to give up Dusanga. With in calamities vaisnava etiquettes and real humility arises. If with in calamities our surrender is not developing rather weakness, lazy ness, less enthusiastic,enviousness ,other desires and faithlessness towards guru and Gouranga is increasing that means we have alternative mood than to please Guru and Gouranga. If we have ulterior motives then with in calamities six enemies become prominent and dance with in our heart and we become their servant.

Within calamities we can recognize ourselves whether we are performing real Bhakti or outward other word calamities in our path is our real friend. Those are pure devotee of lord they don’t have fear towards calamities because they are surrender at the lotus feet of lord. Whether they are in palace or under the trees they always aspire the loving service of lord. In case of pure devotee they feel that real danger or calamities is association with the person who are forbid of Krishna consciousness.

Without loyalty and dependency the position of a devotee is always in Real danger .Those are surrender soul for them actually their is no calamities or danger. apparently it looks like danger. Those are attached to sadhu sanga and strong determined to give up bad association for them there is no danger or calamities. If we take the responsibility of our own happiness and distress that is also calamities. Those devotees give up their own happiness and distress and busy in the service of Krishna and Krishna’s devotees for them life is always in real happiness. If we are not remembering Krishna that is real danger and always remembering Krishna is real wealth.

One may ask question why pure devotees are suffering in this world? In fact that isn’t suffering because they always keep Krishna in their heart. So called happiness and distress is not their past karmic reactions rather it is Krishna’s arrangement. We may see in case of Pandava whole life looks like full of calamities but that is not fact that they are in calamities. Whenever calamities are there ,at the same time Krishna is also there. How can we say they are in calamities?

pure devotees have no past karmic reactions still we can see so many problems they are facing . Actually those problems Krishna arrange for them . To increase their eagerness for devotion,so that devotee may relish taste of devotion. How can we know whether this is past karmic reactions or Krishna’s arrangement? When devotees suffering or facing calamities if his Bhajana in separation mood is increasing and also prayer Mood is also increasing and same time he find hopefulness inside that means that calamities are Krishna’s arrangement. If at the time of suffering we are losing faith towards guru and Gouranga and not praying not performing Bhajana rather hopelessness increasing that means that is our past karmic reactions.

Therefore a pure devotee give up his own ideas of happiness and distress and depending on the will of Krishna. He is always satisfied with principle of this verse-Yad yad bhavyam bhavatu Bhagavan purva karmanurupam . Guru and Gouranga is my Procteter .if we miss the point and want to be the Procter of ourselves that only leads our life towards ethicists ideas. Krishna’s vow is to protect the devotee. Then why I will think about my Protection? Generally when we are in happiness we glorify lord like any thing.when we are in distress we blamed Krishna,why he is not helping us. We never blamed ourselves for our karma. That is ethicist mentality.


A pure devotee knows very well without Krishna seva consideration of happiness and distress is the only cause of unhappiness. If we fully surrender at the lotus feet Krishna and accept him as Procter that is safe position for us and if we want to proctet ourselves that is real calamities and cause of unhappiness.

In conclusion we may say that Krishna will save us from all danger and calamities and his disc will save from others.our only duty is engage in his loving service.


Dāsānu Das

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