Nitya Siddha Parsada Saba Radha Krsna Smare

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada has written this song “Nitya Siddha Parsada Saba Radha Krsna Smare”. The official name of this song is Vrndavane Bhajana Section 25. In this song, Srila Prabhupada says all of us to Chant the Holy Name and preach them as this is the way to cross this material ocean
nitya siddha parṣada saba radha kṛṣṇa smare
tandera smaraṇa jiver sarva-papa hare
anukaraṇa kori yadi sei bhava dhare
maya kavalita hoy saḿsara na tore
pracar koroho sada jiva ghare ghare
saphala hoibe jivana pracarera dvare
sri dayita dasa prabhu dena ei sikṣa
koro ucchaiḥ svare nama ei tańra dikṣa
1) They are all eternally perfect associates of the Lord and always remember Radha and Krsna. Remembering them all the conditioned souls sins are cleared away.
2) If he tries to imitate them taking on their dress and characteristics, he becomes the plaything of maya and does not cross over the material ocean.
3) Always preach! From door to door for all the spirit souls! Your life will be successful as a result of your preaching.
4) Sri Dayita Dasa (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura) gave this instruction, “In a loud voice, chant the holy name! That is initiation!”



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